Indiana Food Vision

Cultivating a nourishing and equitable food system for all Hoosiers.

Photo of cattle on pasture provided by Fischer Farms. Photo of produce crates (Sunrise Produce in Goshen) provided by Indiana Grown for Schools.

Together, we are building a statewide food vision for Indiana, a roadmap for creating a food system where Indiana communities thrive.

The Indiana Food Vision will create a shared understanding of our food system’s challenges and opportunities, and unify efforts across the state to:

  • Inform decision makers at the local, regional, and state levels

  • Help communities, businesses, and organizations get funding

  • Identify what’s already working in our food systems

  • Foster innovation and collaboration across the public, private, and nonprofit sectors

  • Support local efforts with statewide information

Your Voice. Your Vision.

We need to hear from you. The Indiana Food Vision is a ‘by the people for the people’ effort to center the voices of Hoosiers who eat, grow, or buy food. We want to hear about what matters to YOU. Help shape the Vision.

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